Saturday, November 23, 2013


After my heart was monitored for thirty days last month, the cardiologist determined that I now have intermittent atrial fibrillation. This is not the news I wanted to hear. It came as a shock. I was convinced the escalating irregular beats that my blood pressure reader detected were due to a malfunction of the machine which also reads heart rate and rhythm. Yes, the blood pressure machine was in error, but the reality is that some of the episodes were real. It alarmed the doctor that I could no longer feel that I was in AFib.

Just when I expected to hear it was safe to discontinue the heart medication, I was told I need to increase the dose. I also need to replace the daily full-strength aspirin with a prescription med that better prevents blood clotting. While these meds may save my heart, they put my other organs at risk. I tend to feel that many physicians are pimps for the pharmaceutical companies. However, when you think about it, after lifestyle changes are recommended and natural therapies are tried, and only a few doctors consider those, what can they do other than prescribe meds or cut?

I was in quite a dilemma. I had to choose how I might die. Not taking the meds puts my heart at risk. Taking them can damage my liver, kidneys, thyroid or lungs. Many other side effects are possible. A few are hair loss, depression, vision damage, sun sensitivity, swelling, and uncontrollable bleeding. I bought the meds but couldn't bring myself to take them. Several weeks passed before my cardiologist contacted me early this week. He explained the seriousness of my situation. All the while I'm thinking,Yeah, you’re a heart doc, of course you want to protect my heart.Surely a pulmonologist would vote in favor of saving my lungs, an internist my kidneys, and so on. He emphasized my risks due to family history, previous heart attack and value problems, age, high blood pressure and two blood-clotting disorders. He stated that he doesn't prescribe medication lightly. Then he got me when he told me there are ways to fix lungs, kidneys, etc, but there are no ways to fix my highest risk, a stroke. He asked me how I felt about spending my life in a nursing home. I started the meds that night. 

Meds:   Amiodarone, Cardizem,  Vayacog, Paxil, Pradaxa, Vitamin D, I-Caps, Flax seed oil, Multivitamin, B-12, , Glucosoamine, Calcium, Garlic,Omega-3 Fish Oil, Vitamin C, Black Cohosh 

Wednesday, September 4, 2013


A couple of weeks ago my heart began showing occasional irregular beats.  My ignore-it-and-maybe-it-will-go-away approach hasn't worked, so today I checked in with my cardiologist in Spartanburg SC for an EKG and some blood work.  They outfitted me with a heart monitor to be worn 24/7 for 30 days.  I'm all wired up and lugging around a pocket monitor that's way too big for any of my pockets. I must admit, I'm kind of worried about my misbehavin' achy breaky heart.  If it goes back into atrial fibrillation (A-Fib), there's little that can be done because the docs already used the "big guns" last year when I had open heart surgery to repair the mitral valve and a Cox Maize III ablation to curtail the A-Fib. I'd like my heart more if it would stay in sync and stop marching to an off-beat drummer.  

Meds:   Amiodarone, Cardizem,  Vayacog, L-Carnitine, Vitamin D, I-Caps, Flax seed oil, Multivitamin, B-12, L-Arginine, Glucosoamine, Garlic, Aspirin, Omega-3 Fish Oil, Vitamin C

Monday, September 2, 2013


I'm making progress slowly, but surely.  On the days when I can get to the track, I manage a combination of walking and running, or perhaps I should call it jogging, for 2 1/4 miles. I hesitate to call it running since I'm sure a serious runner would laugh at my efforts.  Even on a flat plane the jogging and running takes much effort.  My endurance, while still pathetic, shows some improvement each time.  With autumn approaching, the lower temperatures will make it more comfortable and, who knows, maybe if I keep pushing I'll be able to reach 6.2 miles like I did 30 years ago when I ran 10K races.  Even back then I wasn't a racehorse--no trophies, no ring of roses.  I felt I was doing good just to stay at least a few feet in front of the ambulance.  

Meds:   Amiodarone, Cardizem,  Vayacog, L-Carnitine, Vitamin D, I-Caps, Flax seed oil, Multivitamin, B-12, L-Arginine, Glucosoamine, Garlic, Aspirin, Omega-3 Fish Oil, Vitamin C

Sunday, July 28, 2013


As the weeks turn into months, I continue to walk the mile up and down the road several times per week. Other  than having to monitor my blood pressure, which wants to be too high even with medication, and a brief gastrointestinal problem, I've had no medical setbacks.  Even my left knee is no longer painful when walking downhill. This time of year, instead of working out at the gym, I do a great amount of physical work here as we continue to carve out our little homestead on the side of the mountain. 

I feel I've mastered the two-mile round trip up the road and back while walking.  Running is another story.  On an incline I become out of breath after only a short distance.  Running is such a leap from walking that I've become a bit discouraged so I've come up with a plan to bridge the gap.  Maybe if I condition my body to running on a flat plane, then I might be able to better make the transition to running up an incline.   With no flat surfaces here, I'll need to drive to town to use the running track at the elementary school or another at the horse complex.  I don't want to give up reaching my "Rocky moment"  so this week like the little train engine that tried to make it up the hill, I'll say, "I think I can!  I think I can!  I think I can!"

Meds:   Amiodarone, Cardizem,  Vayacog, L-Carnitine, Vitamin D, I-Caps, Flax seed oil, Multivitamin, B-12, L-Arginine, Glucosoamine, Garlic, Aspirin, Omega-3 Fish Oil, Vitamin C, Pantoprazole

Tuesday, June 11, 2013


I reached a milestone, literally, last week when I walked the whole mile up the mountain road.  This accomplishment was a major step toward my goal of running one mile up that same road.  I actually ran a tiny bit of the way.  It helped that my goat, Olive, who was wearing a leash, pulled me, or maybe I should say dragged me.

Walking back down the mile was easy until I got to the incline that goes up to our cabin.  Once again, Olive came to my assistance.  You don't think that's cheating, do you? 

Meds:   Amiodarone, Cardizem,  Vayacog, L-Carnitine, Vitamin D, I-Caps, Flax seed oil, Multivitamin, B-12, L-Arginine, Glucosoamine, Garlic, Aspirin, Omega-3 Fish Oil, Vitamin C 

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

DAY 438 - 441 RECOVERY

It's a little unsettling when you're lying on the examining table in the doctor's office and a nurse lifts up your shirt in preparation for doing an EKG, gets a look of horror on her face and shrieks, "WHAT is that?"  My initial thought was that it was the scars from the ports that were inserted into my stomach area during the open heart surgery last year.  But then, she is a cardiologist's nurse, she should be used to this. 

Another nurse came to the rescue.  Unbeknownst to me a tick decided I looked pretty yummy and latched on to an area below my boob where I couldn't see.  It's difficult to believe that someone could be a nurse and have never seen a tick.  I suppose she's a city girl who's never hiked or lived in the woods and doesn't know anyone who has.  After the tick removal, she still hadn't totally calmed down, so the other nurse did the EKG.  Even after this brief turmoil, my blood pressure and EKG readings were fine.  I doubt that nurse's would have been.  I hope she never has to work in an ER. 

I so much wanted to get off the two heart meds I've been taking since last summer.  Amiodarone is loaded with side effects, one that can cause a permanent disfiguring blue-grey discoloration of the skin with sun exposure.  Old age has taken enough of a toll on my appearance, I surely don't need a freakish skin color.  Because I have a lot of faith and trust in this doctor in Spartanburg SC, he convinced me to remain on a low dose of amiodarone at least for the next nine-months as a safeguard to prevent my heart from going out of rhythm.  So I'm looking at another summer of staying covered head to toe and slathering sunscreen on those body parts that may become exposed. 

There are several types of non-invasive ablations to cure atrial fibrillation.  Most aren't a permanent cure and need to be repeated.  He said the kind I had through open heart surgery, is the "big gun."  Most times it offers a permanent cure.  "Do-overs" with the Cox Maze III usually aren't successful if the heart misbehaves.  I'm also supposed to remain on meds to keep my blood pressure in check.  

He gave me the go ahead to return to strenuous exercise, so I'm happy to say I can once again begin working on my goal of running one mile up a mountain road. He highly recommends basic walking on a regular basis, however when one lives on the side of a mountain, no walking is "basic."  

He stressed that caffeine is a no-no because it can trigger an irregular heartbeat.  Some mornings I soooo need a kick from my coffee, but I'll have to settle for sipping decaf and dragging myself through the day.  All of this is just a small price to pay for adding years to my life.

Meds:   Amiodarone, Cardizem,  Vayacog, L-Carnitine, Vitamin D, I-Caps, Flax seed oil, Multivitamin, B-12, L-Arginine, Glucosoamine, Garlic, Aspirin, Omega-3 Fish Oil, Vitamin C 

Friday, May 17, 2013


I finally heard from the cardiologist's office regarding the results of wearing the 24-hour monitor to determine if my heart was staying in rhythm.  The result was that there were no results.  They said they experienced a technical glitch and lost the data from the monitor when it was being transferred to the computer.  They asked that I come back in so they could outfit me with the monitor to redo the test.  I asked them to transfer my medical records to the cardiologist in SC.   I'll be seeing him later today. 

Meds:   Amiodarone, Cardizem,  Vayacog, L-Carnitine, Vitamin D, I-Caps, Flax seed oil, Multivitamin, B-12, L-Arginine, Glucosoamine, Garlic, Aspirin, Omega-3 Fish Oil, Vitamin C

Friday, April 26, 2013


My biggest fear  was relieved on Tuesday when I  found there is no problem with my mitral valve.  There is some leakage, but it is still within acceptable limits.  I was disappointed that the doctor didn't have the results from the 24-hr heart monitor to determine if my heart has gone back into A-Fib (atrial fibrillation).  He was supposed to call me Wednesday morning.  When I didn't hear from him, I called his nurse.  She said the results hadn't come in.  I called back yesterday and was told the monitor still hadn't been read.  I've heard nothing today.  My patience is wearing thin.  Since I've had other issues with the support department of this medical practice, I'm considering switching my maintenance care back to the cardiologist in South Carolina who handled my case during the heart surgery.  I don't like to have my life put on hold. 

Meds:   Amiodarone, Benicar HCT,  Vayacog, L-Carnitine, Vitamin D, I-Caps, Flax seed oil, Multivitamin, B-12, L-Arginine, Glucosoamine, Garlic, Aspirin, Omega-3 Fish Oil, Vitamin C

Tuesday, April 23, 2013


Will see the cardiologist this afternoon for results of the heart monitor, which I had to wear for only 24-hours instead of 30 days like last year.  The echocardiogram report will show how well my mitral valve is behaving.  It was the source of my heart problems and was repaired during the open-heart surgery last year. That is my biggest concern, however I'm expecting good news because I've been feeling so much better this past week.  My body now feels sluggish from lack of exercise.  I'm eager for the doc to give me the go ahead to hit the road and treadmill again. 

Meds:   Amiodarone, Benicar HCT,  Vayacog, L-Carnitine, Vitamin D, I-Caps, Flax seed oil, Multivitamin, B-12, L-Arginine, Glucosoamine, Garlic, Aspirin, Omega-3 Fish Oil, Vitamin C

Monday, April 8, 2013


The visit to the cardiologist today resulted in a change of medication for blood pressure and heart rate. They did blood work to check my thyroid and kidneys.  An EKG was done but nothing seemed amiss.  An echocardiogram will be done at the hospital next week to check the functioning of my mitral valve, the one that was repaired during heart surgery last year.  They'll also equip me with a 24-hr heart monitor to detect any abnormal heart rhythm. Until then I'm not supposed to exert myself, so only moderate exercise.  I wish I had something funny to say about all this, but nothing comes to mind.   

Meds:   Amiodarone, Benicar HCT,  Vayacog, L-Carnitine, Vitamin D, I-Caps, Flax seed oil, Multivitamin, B-12, L-Arginine, Glucosoamine, Garlic, Aspirin, Omega-3 Fish Oil, Vitamin C

Sunday, April 7, 2013


With my endurance, stamina, and energy taking a nosedive last week along with a spike in blood pressure and shortness of breath, I saw the doc.  He sent me over to the hospital for x-rays of my lungs and a CAT scan.  The good news is my lungs were clear -  no blood clots or congestion.  Although I'm feeling much better today, I'm supposed to return to the cardiologist tomorrow morning to have my heart checked. 

Meds:   Amiodarone, Cardizem,  Vayacog, L-Carnitine, Vitamin D, I-Caps, Flax seed oil, Multivitamin, B-12, L-Arginine, Glucosoamine, Garlic, Aspirin, Omega-3 Fish Oil, Vitamin C

Sunday, March 31, 2013


Reaching the end of that mountain road is still not reachable, but I'm working on it.  I upped the walking by not only walking the road with my husband and my goat, but I'm now walking a few times a week with a couple of neighbor ladies.  They do a solid 45 minutes at a fast pace up and down some inclines.  I struggle to keep up with them, but pushing myself is good. 

I feel the progress is slow, but it's still progress. My husband reminds me that I'm 71 years old, not 41, so perhaps I shouldn't be too hard on myself.  Last week I wore stilettos for the first time in over a year.  I didn't exactly dance the night away, but then I never do, but I didn't break anything.  Yesterday I got on a horse for the first time in several years.  Sometimes I feel like "The Little Engine That Could." 

Walter Wintle's poem comes to mind.  I think it applies to women too.

If you think you are beaten, you are,
If you think you dare not, you don't,
If you like to win, but you think you can't,
It's almost a "cinch" you won't.
If you think you'll lose, you've lost,
For out in the world you find
Success begins with a fellow's will;
It's all in the state of mind.

Full many a race is lost
Ere ever a step is run;
And many a coward fails
Ere ever his work's begun.
Think big and your deeds will grow,
Think small and you'll fall behind,
Think that you can and you will;
It's all in the state of mind.

If you think you're outclassed, you are,
You've got to think high to rise,
You've got to be sure of yourself before
You can ever win a prize.
Life's battles don't always go
To the stronger or faster man,
But sooner or later, the man who wins,
Is the fellow who thinks he can. 

"I think I can.  I think I can.  I think I can."

Meds:   Amiodarone, Cardizem,  Vayacog, L-Carnitine, Vitamin D, I-Caps, Flax seed oil, Multivitamin, B-12, L-Arginine, Glucosoamine, Calcium, Garlic, Aspirin, Omega-3 Fish Oil, Vitamin C

Monday, March 4, 2013


On my way!  Did a mile on the mountain road today.  That's half a mile up and half a mile down. Even ran a short, ok very short, distance. I'm feeling better, both physically an mentally, than I have in several years.  With the heart problems and other calamities going on in my life, I doubted I could ever feel really good again, but I do and I'm so grateful.  

Meds:   Amiodarone, Cardizem,  Vayacog, L-Carnitine, Vitamin D, I-Caps, Flax seed oil, Multivitamin, B-12, L-Arginine, Glucosoamine, Calcium, Garlic, Aspirin, Omega-3 Fish Oil, Vitamin C, DHEA 

Tuesday, February 26, 2013


Yesterday when I returned to the orthopedic surgeon for x-rays, I finally heard the words I've been waiting five months to hear, "Your broken ankle isn't broken any more!"  The bone finally fused.  The doc gave me an A+ and released me.  Look out hiking trails, horseback riding, running up mountain roads, and wearing kick-butt stilettos.  Here I come!  Oh wait, he did say to ease into things. 

Meds:   Amiodarone, Cardizem,  Vayacog, L-Carnitine, Vitamin D, I-Caps, Flax seed oil, Multivitamin, B-12, L-Arginine, Glucosoamine, Calcium, Garlic, Aspirin, Omega-3 Fish Oil, Vitamin C

Thursday, February 21, 2013


On this date last year I was in South Carolina having my heart rebuilt at the Spartanburg Regional Heart Center.  Living with a faulty-functioning heart for several years was no fun so I was more than ready for a permanent fix. 

Little did I know how long and hard the road to recovery would be.  I couldn't have done it without my "nagging" husband.  I mean that in a thankful, loving and positive way.  It was he who cared for me day in and day out for weeks that grew into months.  When I wanted to give up, he pushed me to take another step, then another and another. 

My expected hospital stay of seven days stretched to a total of eighteen due to complications of blood clots in my lungs caused by two previously undetected genetic blood disorders.  Not being able to eat due to constant nausea from the boatload of meds I had to take caused my weight to plummet (not a good thing for me) and due to lack of activity my muscles atrophied.  Yes, I was a pathetic, sorry looking sight.  Because I see so many frail elderly people, I had my doubts that it was even possible to rebuild muscle, strength and agility at my age.   Walking was the best way to begin and in this I had no choice.  With my doctors, nurses and Darryl prodding me, I started walking the hospital corridors.  At first someone, usually a nurse or Darryl, would hold me up as I took baby steps before I graduated to a walker and then to just the handrails along the wall for support.   

Once home,  I began a regimen of walking a minimum of 30 minutes per day.  At first I could do only about five or ten minutes at a time.  It took 121 steps to walk inside our cabin  going from the front door, looping around some furniture, stepping into the kitchen area before making my way into and out of the bedroom and mudroom.  I walked that route over and over everyday.  Since I wasn't supposed to walk inclines and living on the side of a mountain where everything is at an incline, my outdoor walking was confined to the 30x40 ft area we leveled for the greenhouse and garden storage building.  It lifted my spirit to be outdoors on a warm winter day with Darryl and my animals (goats, cats, and a duck) following behind me as I repeatedly walked around and around that flat area. 

Next came the running tracks (walking, in my case) at the local grade school and nearby equestrian center.  With a pedometer tucked in my pocket,  I was now measuring distance instead of time.  On bad weather days you could find us walking the mall in a neighboring town, so I  had no excuses.  Even now, a whole year later, I get flashbacks when I drive past those locations remembering how, with every breath after only a short distance, my lungs would hurt so bad.  I'd lean on Darryl's shoulder frequently to catch my breath and wipe my tears.  With Darryl's prodding, I eventually pushed myself to walk over a mile at a time. Two months after the surgery I was allowed to begin cardio rehab. 

Darryl didn't have to nag me this time because I was already seeing the benefits of my previous labors.  I wasn't about to go there three days a week just to waste my time.  I had work to do and a mountain road to run.  The average improvement for cardo rehab patients is 20%.  Mine was 69.7%.  I was smokin' and I wasn't going to let anything get in the way of reaching my "Rocky Moment."   

The next month I broke my ankle.  Now five months later I'm still wearing an air cast/brace on my ankle because the bone hasn't fused. 

When I initially set my goal of running, not walking, one mile up that mountain road, I had no idea it would take longer than a year and that I would still be writing this Take Heart blog.  Ok, so I've had a delay, but I'm still determined to get there and I'm sure with Darryl's nagging, I finally will.

Meds:   Amiodarone, Cardizem,  Vayacog, L-Carnitine, Vitamin D, I-Caps, Flax seed oil, Multivitamin, B-12, L-Arginine, Glucosoamine, Calcium, Garlic, Aspirin, Omega-3 Fish Oil, Vitamin C

Friday, February 15, 2013


I'm finally back on track to meeting my goal, but not on the track.  At the same gym where I did cardio-rehab I'm participating in the SilverSneakers program that focuses on muscular strength and range of motion.  I also spend time there racking up miles on the treadmill and on the body building machines.  My son fears I've become a "gym rat."  On the good-weather days I've started walking the road.  This is the same road where I plan to run a mile to reach my "Rocky Moment."  I still have a long way to go since I'm still in the walking stage, but I did make it to the first peak recently.  

Meds:   Amiodarone, Cardizem,  Vayacog, L-Carnitine, Vitamin D, I-Caps, Flax seed oil, Multivitamin, B-12, L-Arginine, Glucosoamine, Calcium, Garlic, Aspirin, Omega-3 Fish Oil, Vitamin C

Thursday, January 24, 2013


Some days are full of surprises, but not always the kind one wants. Went to the doc last Friday suspecting I had bronchitis again.  Instead of being acute or chronic, with me bronchitis should be called serial, but then again, I guess that's what chronic means.

Before I knew what was happening  I was taken on a "joy" ride in an ambulance to the hospital ER. As they were wheeling me out, I yelled back to the nurse, "What about my bronchitis?" Just prior to that I asked her why I couldn't just drive myself to the ER. For the second time she looked at me as if I'd lost my mind and answered, "If your heart's not working, you won't have to worry about the bronchitis."

Having had open-heart surgery just eleven months ago, I felt cheated that my rebuilt heart was giving out on me so soon. For what they cost, medical procedures should surely come with some kind of guarantee or warranty, say of, at least a year. I also had a fleeting thought that maybe this one did come with a lifetime one and I had reached that limit. Although my symptoms shouted heart attack to the medical staff, it was only a severe case of bronchitis like I thought initially. Five hours later I was happily on my way home with a prescription for an antibiotic in my hand.  

Meds:   Amiodarone, Cardizem,  Vayacog, L-Carnitine, Vitamin D, I-Caps, Flax seed oil, Multivitamin, B-12, L-Arginine, Glucosoamine, Calcium, Garlic, Aspirin, Omega-3 Fish Oil, Vitamin C, Doxy-Cycl-Hycl

Friday, January 11, 2013


A few days ago I strapped on my ankle air cast and knee brace and with my goat, Olive, took a walk down the long incline to the mailbox.  I was able to make it back up to the cabin without needing the goat to pull me, without stopping to rest and without huffing and puffing.  What a difference a year makes.  My rebuilt heart is serving me well.  Now if I could just get the scary high blood pressure under control. 

I wrapped up physical therapy yesterday.  The reevaluation shows I have regained full range of motion in my ankle although one side shows a bit of weakness.  Nothing that can't be corrected by doing the exercise routine they outlined for me to do at home.  

Meds:   Amiodarone, Cardizem,  Vayacog, L-Carnitine, Vitamin D, I-Caps, Flax seed oil, Multivitamin, B-12, L-Arginine, Glucosoamine, Calcium, Garlic, Aspirin, Omega-3 Fish Oil, Vitamin C