Sunday, February 19, 2012

DAY 2 Pre-Op

I'm at peace with all aspects of this upcoming open heart surgery except for how my throat will fare.  Other times when tubes and scopes have been placed down my esophagus and trachea I've suffered a killer sore throat for at least two weeks.  Of course my throat would only hurt when I swallowed, talked, coughed or breathed. 

Even POCD (post operative cognitive decline/dysfunction) no longer looms large in my mind because I'm fortunate enough to have a surgeon who is really on top of these things.  Recognizing that I'm at risk, he added a psychiatrist who specializes in this syndrome to my medical team.  The psychiatrist has taken aggressive preventative measures that have calmed my fears. 

Advanced age and a history of depression put a patient at risk.  Also a lower level of education. Darn, I should have finished those last two years of college! Several potential causes have been identified. The length of time on the pump oxygenator, also known as the heart-lung machine, is one.  Microscopic cell debris and bubbles generated by the machine are under suspicion. The rate at which the body is warmed may enter into it, but no one knows for sure.  

Nicknamed "pumphead," POCD can surface immediately or even years after open heart surgery.  It can worsen over time and persist for years.  Some of the symptoms are memory problems, confusion, personality changes, inability to focus and overall mental decline. Geez, I have some of those already! 

Ongoing stress triggered by anger, anxiety, guilt, worry or fear, is a major contributor to a decline in cognitive function even when someone isn't facing surgery.  Developing a positive outlook, feeling hopeful, compassionate and caring, appreciative and loving, improve the way our nervous system and brain function.  Philippians 4:8 provides some good advice:  Whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things

Everyone knows that heart problems wipe out more men in our country than any other disease.  If you think the numero uno killer of women is breast cancer, you'd be wrong because, for women too, it's the old heart that takes the lead.  Most men get the sudden stabbing pain in their chests and down their left arms that screams, "Get me to the hospital, PRONTO!   But women are more vulnerable because our symptoms are usually wimpy, like shortness of breath and sometimes nausea.

I hope I've done an adequate job of making you aware of several aspects of heart disease symptoms, causes and ways to deal with them. You just never know when you might need to know some of this stuff.  With ongoing research and the development of new technology the future of heart care continues to unfold more options in treatments, medication, and solutions for healing broken hearts.   

So Tuesday morning I'll be joining the ranks of Bill Clinton, Barbara Walters, Regis Philbin, Robin Williams and half a million other Americans who annually undergo open heart surgery.  Only 1 to 2 percent don't make it.  That's 5 to 10 thousand obituaries added to newspapers every year.  I hope I'm not one of them.  

Meds:  Namenda, diuretic, beta blocker, vitamins and supplements, last day for anti-depressant, give myself 1st and 2nd Enoxaparin Sodium injections (blood thinner)

1 comment:

Ilene said...

Peggy, my husband and I chanted the ENMEI JUKKU KANNON GYO at the temple for you yesterday (the sutra for prolonging life). Tomorrow morning I will light incense for you and chant it again, meanwhile sending you my healing thoughts and best wishes. I have a feeling you are going to come out just fine.