Saturday, March 17, 2012

DAY 12 - Recovery

Walked a full mile on the outdoor track this morning.  My lungs fought me every step of the way.  I was pretty much wiped out for the remainder of the day.  No green beer,  no Irish pubs, no St Pattie's Day debauchery for me this year. 

Meds:  Multaq, Bupropion, aspirin 81mg, Furosemide, Namenda, Metroprolol, Zantac, potassium, multivitamin, vitamin D, I-Caps


Harold/AQ said...

My hat's off to you for walking that mile! Well done!

Maggie Tz. said...

Yay Peggy! 1 mile! I'm praying, hoping and sending you lots of energy to keep making progress. Hugs!