Thursday, March 8, 2012

DAY 3 - Recovery

I'm feeling so much better today than yesterday - no nausea, able to eat and drink.  Most of today, like everyday, is spent coughing.  Coughing is good and encouraged because it helps to clear the congestion from my lungs.  Coughing is also very exhausting, so when I'm not coughing, I'm usually sleeping.   Half of my half-hour walking time today was done in the cabin where I go from the front door, looping around some of the furniture, stepping into the U-shaped kitchen area before making my way into and out of the bedroom and then to the mudroom.  This route takes 121 steps and I do it over and over again.  Since I'm not supposed to walk inclines and living on the side of a mountain where everything is at an incline, my outdoor walking is confined to the 30x40 foot area we leveled for the greenhouse and garden storage building.  It lifted my spirit to be outdoors with my animals on this warm winter day.  My goats and both GG, our house cat, and McKenzie, our barn cat, walked along with Darryl and me as we repeatedly walked around the greenhouse and storage building. A huge carpenter bee buzzed right at my face, a sure sign of spring!  I spent a little while folding clothes from the dryer, going through a backlog of mail, and entering expenditures into the household accounting program.  I'm more optimistic today and can once again picture myself leading an active normal life.  I couldn't see that yesterday.

Meds:  Coumadin, Multaq, Bupropion, aspirin 81mg, Furosemide, Namenda, Metroprolol, Zantac, potassium, multivitamin, vitamin C, vitamin D 

1 comment:

auntie said...

Each day the cloud that anesthesia, weakness, and pain left around you eyes will lift and you will see much more into the future. Keep walking that is your key to strength and healing right now.