Monday, March 26, 2012

DAY 21 - Recovey

Today was consumed by medical appointments, lots of driving and lots of waiting.  We headed 25 miles north this morning to have a blood test for the blood thinner, Coumadin.  Stopped at the mini-mall but with lungs not cooperating I walked less than a half-mile.  Drove 40 miles south to SC this afternoon for a chest x-ray at the Diagnostic Center and then to the heart surgeon's office.  The good news is that I didn't get waylaid to the hospital.  I was sent home with a prescription for an antibiotic for bronchitis and a diuretic to disperse any accumulating fluid.  I've felt miserable all day.  I look forward to tomorrow in hopes of a better day.

Meds:   Azithromycin, Furosemide, Bupropion, aspirin 81mg, Namenda, Metroprolol, Zantac, multivitamin, vitamin D, I-Caps, 2 bananas (potassium)  


Unknown said...

Glad no draining of the radiator today. So they gave you a diuretic and told you to drink plenty of water right? You will be getting your excercise, just not the way you thought. Tomorrow will be a better day and you get two more bananas!

auntie said...

I'll tell you what the voice doctor told me, pee clear it's the best thing for you. I guess that applies to your lungs too.